Thursday, October 28, 2010

Top 5 Tricks and Tips When Dieting

Now a day’s eating good nutrition food is rare in our busy life, Since we are not getting the right food at right time.  We people used to eat all the food which are not good for health due to the calories In the foods and the adulteration ,our body will become fat and loss its strength, so now  the major problem among the youth is dieting. Dieting in the food and exercising the main remedy to reduce the loss.

1. If you want to lose weight, diet is about 80% of the trick to losing weight.
2. No matter what the study says, you need to do some kind of exercise that involves upping your heart rate, and creating a sweat that lasts at least 30 minutes.
3. People want results fast - so they don't see a change, get discouraged in about a month and stop dieting.
We love food.

It's not shocking to say that. But when people are deprived of what they love, they feel bad. Maybe not crying that they cannot eat a cheeseburger, but after a month of eating salad for lunch every day, they miss their favorite foods. Here I suggest some tips for dieting…

1. Small changes add up. Drink water, juice. Instead  of eating potato chips, try soy crisps or at the very least - pretzels. Substitute sweet potato into your diet. Avoid sauces, gravy or dressing - they have so many hidden calories and sugar. Avoid white bread, use wheat.

Best Dieting Food is Juice: 

2. Cheating is OK, but that doesn't mean cheating every day. My diet is 5 days "good" and 2 days "bad". There's going to be the unexpected days where you are supposed to be on a "good" day and you eating unhealthy. Just get back to being good. I drink 1 cup of milk every day.

3. Eat like a caveman. When choosing foods to eat, don't reach into the frozen foods section and get a "Lean Cuisine". The majority of your meals should be food basics. Dont eat more flavoured food. Don't kill yourself when dieting. Have a bit of sauce on the side, but don't SLATHER your food in sauces or gravy.

4. Do not starve yourself, it doesn't work. I have seen this a thousand times. People starve themselves, get miserable, and they are off the diet in a few weeks and back to their old weight. Everyone has these little diet solutions that they read in a magazine, and they never work. The key is just moderating diet & eating whole foods, not processed foods. Eating complex crabs will make you feel fuller, longer. Foods like brown rice or sweet potato are excellent choices as side dishes.

Eat only the nutrition food which gives us the healthy life!!!!!!!


5. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. If you need to pig out, eat more in the mornings. After 5pm, avoid crabs like the plague. My morning routine is coffee (milk and sugar!) with honey nut cheerios (more sugar! heaven forbid!). I tried switching out sugar for a substitut
Eat less,,,,,,,Work more...........Lead a Healthy Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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